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Intermediate Group Workshop

Unlock Your Chess Potential with Our Ongoing Subscription-Based Course!


WHEN: ​Workshops are held on Saturdays from1:00pm - 2:30 pm, and will initially begin on January 11th.


Building on the success of our highly popular "Intro to Chess" classes, this class is designed for players of ALL AGES looking to elevate their game. If you have an online or USCF rating between 800-1200, this course is perfect for you! We also welcome motivated students with slightly lower ratings who are eager to improve.


You choose how many classes per month you would like to attend based on your availability. The instructor will teach a class every Saturday! The classes are not designed to be sequential, but rather focus on analyzing your own games or playing against live online opponents in real time, analyzing grandmaster games, and answering questions!

1 Intermediate Group Workshop per month



Every month

Perfect for students who want to brush up on their game, but do not have the availability for more frequent classes.

Valid until canceled

* 2 hours total of instruction

* Bring notated game to analyze with instructor

* ...Or enjoy learning as we battle live opponents online

2 Intermediate Group Workshops per month



Every month

Perfect for students who want to build their chess skills at a steady pace without overcommitting.

Valid until canceled

* 4 hours total of instruction

* bring notated games for class analysis with instructor

* enjoy instructor led games, simuls, and more

3 Intermediate Group Workshops per month



Every month

Perfect for students who are serious about sharpening their chess strategy. At this level you'll see noticeable improvement.

Valid until canceled

* 6 hours total of instruction

* bring in your games for instructor led analysis

* participate in online games, simuls, and more

* free copy of "Advancing Towards Mastery" curriculum

4 Intermediate Group Workshops per month



Every month

Perfect for students who are committed to taking their chess game to the next level. This package offers the best value for consistent learners who want to make serious progress.

Valid until canceled

* 8 hours total of instruction

* bring games to analyze with instructor

* participate in instructor led online games

* participate in occasional simuls

* free copy of "Advancing Towards Mastery" curriculum

* one free tournament entry upon completion two months

Choose your pricing plan

What Will I Learn?

Our Chess Mastery Workshop provides an endless positive learning experience. The class is taught by US Chess certified coaches, and topics include, but are not limited to:


  • Computer Tools

    • and Lichess features

    • Using an Analysis Board

    • Mastering Puzzles and Tactics trainers

  • Strategy

    • Critical Thinking in Chess​

    • Mastering imbalances

    • Winning tournaments

  • Grandmaster Games​​

    • Analyze famous games from history

    • Learn lessons from the best

  • Interactive Analysis

    • Play games with peers

    • Analyze them with instructor

  • Speed-runs (most popular!)

    • Participate in instructor led games against live online opponents as we "climb the rating ladder"​

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